11 July 2024
Sweating is an important pathway of detoxification, and a range of metabolites from heavy metals, pesticides and other chemical products can be found in human sweat. Saunas have been used for centu...
12 April 2024
Along the path to holistic well-being, there are several innovative therapies that support health and quality of life. Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) is a non-invasive therapy that involves...
6 October 2023
Did you know that yoga can help reduce the risk of cancer spreading or returning?Researchers have found that practicing yoga twice a week for 75 minutes can help reduce the risk of cancer spreading...
21 March 2023
There’s a lot of conflicting information when it comes to sugar and its involvement in the cancer process. Common questions we hear include: Does sugar feed cancer cells? Are we talking refin...
9 February 2023
Fasting and Oncology: Here is what a Nutritionist thinks
Humans have been fasting since the beginning of time, whether due to food scarcity, religious reasons, or for weight loss or vanity purpose...
14 July 2021
With the days getting longer and the sun finally peeping through the clouds, we start to remember one of the most important vitamins that our body needs to stay healthy, especially during winter....