MIOG's Founder, Lead Clinician and Oncology Naturopath, Tanya Wells, along with her team have been helping patients with cancer all over Australia and beyond for many years. They understand the challenges patients face on a physical, emotional and psychological level. By working together collaboratively as a team, they are able to provide a more cohesive and integrated planning process that is unique in oncology healthcare.
Meet the MIOG Team
Hosted Consultants
Meet the Reception team at MIOG
Left to right in picture we have - Lauren, Sam (Practice Manager), and Gabi.
We are so very grateful to have such caring, dedicated and patient-focused ladies welcoming patients through the doors of MIOG and making sure the Clinic runs smoothly.
All have many combined years of experience in medical administration and some also as backgrounds as natural-health practitioners adding to the understanding of the integrative approach.

Our Team's Goal
Our goal at MIOG is to support your health with a range of Complementary Medicines which have been proven to be effective in:
- Reducing the side effects of your medical treatments
- Enhancing the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- Reducing risk of recurrence
- Supporting you, your wellbeing, and that of your family