Compression Therapy

NormaTec Compression System

Compression is an effective method by which controlled pressure is applied to the extremities in order to increase blood flow and the efficiency of the lymphatic and venous systems. Traditionally, compression uses socks or stockings, but newer technology like NormaTec offers dynamic compression that utilises compressed air to mobilise fluid and improve circulation. This technology involves “sleeves” which slide onto your arms, legs or around your hips and offer a pneumatic, pressurised massage.

The idea behind compression is pretty simple: It helps your system increase blood flow to certain areas, encouraging your body to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the area, which in turn may reduce swelling and lymphoedema, speed up recovery, relieve aches and improve exercise performance.

Normatec-Compression-Legs "Sleeves"

How long is a compression session?

Typical sessions last 30 minutes. You can sit back, relax, read a book, scroll Instagram, practice deep breaths or take a nap.

Who uses compression??

Professional athletes have used compression as a means to recover faster in between training sessions or after intense competitions. Because the pneumatic squeezing technique increases blood and lymphatic flow in your limbs, it allows for muscles to recover faster from aches or overuse, so the athletes can perform at a higher rate of intensity without needing as much rest or recovery in between exercise.

Patients with oedema (fluid retention) can also benefit from compression therapy. This is known as lymphoedema in patients who have lymph nodes surgically removed due to cancer.

What happens after doing compression??

Each user will have their own experience following compression, but many people say their arms, legs or hips feel lighter afterwards, and that they are not as sore as they were before using compression.

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